Sweet Fatty Bun Rolled Cake

Mon Feb 12 2024
Sweet Fatty Bun Rolled Cake

A fun new take on the Swedish classic “fatty bun”. This recipe is sure to be a success, keeping the classic flavours, almond and cardamom. Makes about 12 pieces.



Almond Filling
  • 300 g almond paste
  • 3/4 cups plant-based milk
  • 1 tbsp ground cardamom seeds
  • 100 g roasted almonds, roughly chopped
Rolled Cake
  • 1/2 cups aqua faba
  • 3/4 cups sugar
  • 1 cups flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tbsp ground cardamom seeds
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp neutral oil
  • 3 tbsp plant-based milk
  • 1 cups plant-based heavy cream
  • icing suger


  • Start with preparing the filling, by mixing almond paste, plank milk and cardamum until smooth. Add the almonds and mix until just combined. Set aside.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degree celsius and prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking powder, cardamum and salt. In another bowl, whip aqua faba and suger until white and fluffy (it should look kind of like meringue, but not quite as hard whipped).
  • Fold the flour mixture into the whipped sugar until combined. Once there are no flour lumps add oil and plant milk, and mix until just combined, making sure not to over mix.
  • Pour the batter over the baking sheet and spred evenly. Bake in the middle of the oven for 10-12 minutes, the cake should be slightly golden around the edges.
  • Prepare another parchment paper, lightly covered with sugar. Once the cake has finished baking, fold the cake over to the sugared parchment paper.
  • Carefully remove the top side parchment paper from the cake before spreading the cake with almond filling. Once the full cake is covered with filling start rolling the cake. Try to work quickly, it’s mush easier to roll a warm cake.
  • Cover the cake roll with plastic wrap and leave to cool. Once the cake is cold, cut it into smaller portions and topping with icing sugar and whipped cream.